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If youse guys want less HP/torque... go for it
I happen to be very happy with the power level I currently have, no regrets at all, and might even want a more powerful motor next time. a short highway run or a bit of harder running clears her right out. The reason for the easy running is my local surface street LE rich environs. (any more is a cop caller, and they all like me now cause I don't) And that the motor is brand new. Also my West Coast weighs about 2900 lbs, not 2300 (few cobras weigh 2300 actually, from what I have read)
Southernfriedcj, I have not had her on a dyno yet, still running the carb. When I install the EFI and then we will know....
By the way jack, I have enough power cross-drilled vented brakes, top quality tunable suspension, and just about everything else . Not everyone with a monster motor cobra is a shmoe beginner. In fact I suspect many or most are the opposite.
James Madison, father of the Constitution, said, "If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." He also said, "No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare..."
Last edited by Back in Black; 06-12-2003 at 07:50 AM..