Not Ranked
Willis 100 un-official schedule
Tuesday, july 1 2003
7:00am gates open
tech review ( your responsibility to bring trackworthy car)
no starting of race engines until 8:00 am
7:30 driver's meeting in tech shed. Run group stickers will be handed out
yellow = 1
blue = 2
red = 3
Procedural review by Johan if he is even there yet.
Rookie stripes ( passing car with yellow tape across tag not allowed without wave by anywhere, blue tape requires wave by in corners)
track review
flag review (mandatory for group 1 and 2)
Chalk talk by TC and David Crace (mandatory for group 1 )
8:00 warmup group 3 & 2
group 3 and 2 drivers give rides to group 1 drivers
group 2 rules apply
8:40 group 1 ducks in a row lead follow session (2 Group 1 drivers follows group 2 driver)
9:00 group 3
9:20 group 2
9:40 group 1
10:00 group 3
10:20 group 2
10:40 group 1
11:00 corner worker break
11:10 driving instruction groups 1 & 2
group 2 rules apply
no solo group 1 drivers
12:00 lunch and driver's meeting (lunch provided)
1:00 group 3
1:30 All Ford Session (group 2 rules, group 1 drivers must display yellow rookie tape, group 2 drivers must display blue)
2:00 All Porsche Session (group 2 rules, group 1 drivers must display yellow rookie tape, group 2 drivers must display blue)
2:30 group 3
3:00 corner worker break
3:20 open track for instruction ( group 2 rules, tape required)
4:20 group 3
4:40 group 2
5:00 track closed
budweiser and bench racing welcome party(NO ALCHOL WHILE TRACK IS OPEN)
6:00 Grill available for those wishing to cook something
showers available for those wishing to wash something(ANYTIME Spydee)
Tech shed with compressor available for those wishing to fix something.
7:00pm depart for dinner at Hudson's Seafood on Hilton Head
8:00pm dinner at Hudson's (This is optional and casual, and tables will be divided on a bathed,unbathed basis)
Wednesday, July 2 2003
7:00am gates open
8:00am group 1 with instruction
8:30 group 2 with instruction
9:00 group 3 with instruction
9:30 group 1
10:00 corner worker break
10:20 warmup laps
10:30 Willis 100
entry must be approved and group 2 rules apply
mandatory 5 minute pit stop required
blue tape required
11:30 group 1
12:00 lunch (on your own)
1:00 accelleration testing up the front straight
2:00 group 3 with instruction
2:30 group 2 with instruction
3:00 group 1 with instruction
3:20 corner worker break
3:40 group 3
4:00 open track with group 2 rules
5:00 track closed
Budweiser and Goodbyes ( NO ALCOHOL WHILE TRACK IS OPEN )
mop up the damage
must load and remove trailers
Some trailers can remain if moved to a remote location
Last edited by Johan; 06-12-2003 at 09:46 AM..