Pyro guage is coming, I know HP=Heat.. Did new circuiit board (factory techs will not see it, 'tis a F550 variant). I think they will smell rat, easy to undo. It's a dial/click program for stock, plus 50, +80, +120HP. Towing only in first setting. The top 2 settings are for (80) light tow mode only, and king shlingaling mode for no trailer. The top 2 modes are pretty interesting. This is the biggest seat of the pants upgrade I have done on any vehicle ever. Taking reality into account
, if I wanted to drag race my F-250, all parties that know me, know to shoot me first for such a ridiculous idea! That said, I bought the upgrade for more robustness when towing (I can tell the normal program was done by legal types
), and I can tell you running around town without a trailer in the non-legal setttting...the MPG is at LEAST 3-4 MPG better.
Edit for MPG update:
got 23.2 mpg roundtrip Roswell to Mcdonough.