Thread: "Is it real?"
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Old 06-19-2003, 12:42 PM
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Default Re: If Ford...

Originally posted by Back in Black

Sent me the parts to build a new "t-bird" coupe, THAT would also be a kit. The comparison does not hold water. Manufacturers such as SPF, Shelby, and any other manufacturer that sells you a full roller or especially a turnkey, is NOT selling you a "kit". They are nearly completed or completed cars.
Yep, that would be a "t-bird" kit. No, SPF does not sell you a kit, but they build the car from a kit. I define a kit as the body, frame, and all the parts necessary to make a Cobra. How do you define a kit?

Gordon Levy builds FFRs. Totally finished turnkeys. He builds the cars from a kit, just like SPF builds theirs. The only difference is who builds it and what components they put in it.
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