"Shelby Cobras" have a pedigree that all other replica mfg. are striving to replicate.
For example: A pedigreed Horse, Dog, Cow, Sheep or Cat are highly prized, and are expensive because of the heritage and lineage. These animals are aquired through accredited breeders of quality stock. If you are not concerned with heritage, lineage or pedigree and just want a pet around the house you'll shop at the Pet Shop or the Pound or a friend who's dog got knocked up by a neighbors stray.
It all boils down to what YOUR want and needs are and how much your willing to spend for your desires.
Don't knock the The Pure Breads because they are out of your reach today, you may be in that market in the future, then you will have to eat crow !! I know, cause I'll remind you !!
The old saying,
"Don't get mad at a person who is smarter than you ................ it isn't their fault."
Evan, do we agree on this ??
" I was going to Procrastinate today, but I think I'll put it off untill tomorrow."