Originally posted by Mr.Fixit
So do you think the best approximation for one particular car, would be to do the electric spin up test at the same accell rate that the car's motor is able to accel the car in that particular gear? Your RPM/time in fourth gear in the quarter mile, used as the baseline accel rate for the electric motor's spin-up test with the tranny in fourth gear.
I think the losses would increase, the quicker you attempt to spin-up the drivetrain. But probubly not too greatly. Just theorizing here.
In my case the best approximation would be to take it to a chassis dyno and then caclulate the difference between the engine dyno. That electric motor stuff sounds like too much work
Actually, I don't care too much about peak power. Since I use my engines across a fairly wide rpm range I'm interested in AVERAGE power for the intended range; say 3500-7500 or 4500-8500. But, mostly I'm concerned with DRIVABILITY.