Not Ranked
Speeds were WAY too high in London at the drag strip/burn-out lane. Anyone remember the bicyclist casually pedalling across the road? The burn-outs were neat; the speeds at the far end was what was dangerous. Burn-outs should be first and second gears ONLY!! (Even then, the cars may be too fast for a residential street.) NO ONE, and I repeat NO ONE, has the ability to control their car if a mechanical mishap occurs. We were all very lucky that nothing happened, sending some car careening into someone's living room. (Did I mention that this will be a LONG thread?)
Edley, The Cobra Rogue!
"If you think that you can cut it, if you think you got the time, you'll only get just one chance, better get it right first time. 'Cause in this game you're playing, if you lose you got to pay, and if you make just one wrong move, you'll get BLOWN AWAY. Expect no mercy.