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Old 06-26-2003, 04:27 PM
tommyboy tommyboy is offline
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Location: Naperville, IL
Cobra Make, Engine: SPF/white/blue/smallblock427/webers
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Question 48IDA Weber Carb Linkage

I have SPF1593 with a small block Ford 351W based block. I also have an Inglese built 48IDA Weber induction system. On my carb/manifold setup, the linkage is a side pull system. The linkage passes between the two drivers side carbs and places the bell crank just over the inside edge of the valve cover. Does anybody have or know of someone that has this exact linkage setup ? I would like to know and see what other Superformance owners have done to the factory (OEM) linkage that runs parallel to the firewall along with the link that goes from the firewall linkage out to the bellcrank for the carbs. I seem to be having a linkage geometry problem which will only allow me to open the throttle plates half way. Any good information will be greatly appreciated. I'm so close to firing this thing up for the first time that I can't sleep. Besides I think my girlfriend is going to leave me because she has not seen me for two weeks!!
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