Hey Russ,
I don't think we are being too hard on him.
He's representing himself as an expert, not a noob:
"....i have had 390/401s,406/405s, 427/425s and the real police interceptors, whether a 390, 406, 427, all had cross bolt mains...." (really?)
He could have put an end to this early by documenting his claims on the item he's posted for sale (he is asking $25 friggin grand, someone’s going to want proof eventually for that kind of scratch, right?). Otherwise, I think we can have a little fun at his expense.
Look, I'm not saying he's full of crap, but I have insinuated it pretty hard
. If he turns out to be ligit I'll be the first one to say I'm wrong, however, I smell the distinct, pungent odor of cow dookey.