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Old 06-28-2003, 11:20 AM
Randall Thomas Randall Thomas is offline
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concobra, one very important topic you proved without knowing it... you mentioned that you didn't like to see the "bad press" of the "recent Cobra deaths" from the public at a car show.

Think about this everyone... the only real "bad press" discussed about any of those incidents, were probably born from *fellow cobra owners*... such as right here, right now. I have not heard to date anyone making a big case about "recent cobra accidents" except for on the public cobra forums. How else would the "public" have been enlightened unless investigating on their own. Peter Jennings didn't spread it.

You see, what many are getting at here, as an example in this case, is we are being are own worse enemy! Why do we need to worry about anyone else out there to kill our sport and our cars when it seems we do a pretty good job for them, ourselves? Self punishment does not change the actions others would take on us anyway, so why give them a helping hand? They will not look at us and say, "boy those Cobra guys are really being hard on themselves, maybe we'll leave them alone". what they are probably thinking is, "these people are being stupid. We'll let them bash each other then go in for the kill and take the rest of them out". Our only hope is solidatiry and support of each other througfh understanding and comprimise.

As far as this thread, the discussion as it was borne from is going off into left field and is certianly not fair at all to the title of this thread, to the honor of the Fling and in respect to Ed, and in light of Jenny. If this line of discussion needs to be dissected further, I suggest at the very least and out of respect to all named above, that a new one be started and named differently.

In closing, I saw no UNsafe or reckless driving at the fling. I DID see some spirited antics that were APPLAUDED during the event, however, after digesting and considering all the ramifications, it appears many would now like to take their applause back. Can't be done, and there is no need to. Plus, you don't have to worry about it becasue Ed said it's all taken care of, fixed and you don't need to worry about seeing that in the future. Understand that, respect that and beleive it. I do.

Be good to each other,and while it's ok to be critical of your own actions, don't be so hard on each other, because their are enough other people out there that do NOT like our cars or our hobby that *will* be more than happy to do that for you. They don't need any help.

Now please, I ask that this thread pertaining to the Fling title be paused, and if it must, be continued under a new heading, more appropriately titled to reflect the content... like "We need to condemn ourselves before the opposition gets a chance to" ;-). or something like that.


Last edited by Randall Thomas; 06-28-2003 at 11:31 AM..
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