Just my .02, as taken or left.
I read many stories here and on the other forums about how this or that vendor is a great guy, or a rat ba$tard, but I believe that the TRUE verdict on the vendor comes out when there is a problem. In my view, Kirkham/Shelby are working thier tails off to fix a 3 year old car, and throwing in a lot of extras to make it right for csx700?. WAY TO GO! In a hobby riddled with fly by night clowns, it is SO refreshing to see a manufacturer (and a supplier)
stand up and do the right thing. And to answer the next question, NO I do not own either a Shelby or a Kirkham. I have been debating for quite some time on selling my Cobra to a friend who has been nagging me for 3 years.......maybe it's time to take him up on it and pay Kirkham Motorsports a call, and maybe visit Shelby on the way home.....