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I agree with Russ, I thinks the forum should be more tolerant of new people making posts. If you don't agree with what is posted,you don't always have to respond in a way that is amusing to yourself. It has never ceases to amaze me how eager some folks are to show how smart and clever they are. Now take George Anderson from Gessford Machine. A very knowlegible man about FE engines. He never is in a hurry to cut someone down with what he knows. I have a Tunnel-port engine. I have referred to it as a NASCAR Tunnel port because it was designed for the NASCAR track, also ran at LeMans. Nothing in or on my engine,with the exception of the intake could have ever seen a NASCAR track. I believe that my intake was a NOS piece. Folks please be more tolerant with new members. Say what you want to say in a more friendly tone. The word LIAR is most inappropriate.