Thread: Average Age?
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  #191 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2000, 08:31 AM
Andy Dunn
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I am 34 and have also liked the car since highschool. I remember a rumor going round school (perhaps and urban legned) that there was a guy with a 427 cobra in our city. He would take a crisp new $100 bill and place it under a wiper blade. He would then say to his passenger "snatch this dollar before we hit 60 and its yours". No one had ever won the dollar

I also remember pouring through the big chart in each months Road&Track, hunting for the fastest 0-60 time. I can only count on one hand the cars that could break 4 seconds. The car that always stood out in my mind was the cobra.

Just ordered a JBL. Very eager to begin the building process.

[This message has been edited by Andy Dunn (edited 03-23-2000).]
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