Me?.... 57 years young

When the last of the kids either left the nest or got married or both... the better half and I gave each other the "high five" on the front porch as we watched the last one disappear down the road. Then we got together and decided to spoil the living s**t out of each other. So a few months ago we both took a look at a pre-owned Unique. It was in need of some work, but we both liked it and plunked down a deposit. It's been in the garage now and we have both enjoyed fixing the car up. Haven't driven it far..... just in the driveway

She's titled but not tagged yet. It WILL be ready by spring. Have always dreamed of the day I could own one of these cars..... Ahhhhh .. life is great!!!
Take care - Jim Harding - La Plata, MD