I'm working on getting the previously mentioned Cobra Civil War "Blue/Grey Cobra Day" gathering off the ground. The plan is simple. A contest between Cobras north of the Mason Dixon Line vs. Cobras south of it. Who can bring more cars? Northerners wear Blue, southerers wear Grey (unless you want to paint your car that way
The date is going to be Saturday September 20th.
My original plan had been to use Gettysburg as our site. My wife and I are going to drive out there on Sunday to look around. We were thinking about finding a nice open park where we could do all the food, games, contests or whatever else we want to do to settle this showdown (which the north will win). Let the wagers begin. Then later in the day, do a cruise to either a local tavern, winery, pub, and take it over. Mike Mack from Tristate Motorsports has offered his facility also as a gathering place for afterwards.
However, in looking at the map, I realized just how close Carlisle is to Gettysburg. It's probably only 30 minutes away. Of course, everyone knows Carlisle from the Kit show held in May. The fairgrounds are huge and it is well known.
So here is my question. I've contacted the folks at Carlisle and am awaiting a return call. If we can get the use of Carlisle and have our own Cobra only show (also welcome to ALL Cobra lovers who don't have a Cobra right now) on their grounds, would you rather have the Cobra Civil War in Carlisle, or should we stick to Gettysburg? I like Gettysburg because of the whole theme, but Carlisle is quite a place and would probably be a big draw if we can have a Cobra only show there.
Whaddya think?