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Enclosed Trailer (and truck) on eBay
The rig is now on eBay - search on "enclosed car hauler"
Hi, everyone!
I'm not sure where to put this since I'm not selling my Cobra, nor do I think this qualifies as "Parts", so I'll stick a short blurb here.
More details are in the Texas Cobra Club forum.
I'm looking to sell:
1996 Ford F-350 crewcab diesel with a mild chip
2001 S&H '32 ft' enclosed gooseneck trailer
I would REALLY like to sell these together, and I would consider
delivering them.
Please look at the more detailed description.
If you are not personally interested, please mention it to others in case they might be interested. THIS IS A REAL FINE DEAL if you are looking for a 'rig' like this!
Thanx a lot to everyone!
(If there are other good places to advertise this, please let me know).
Frank Newman
Last edited by Naja; 07-25-2003 at 04:31 PM..