Hehehe..yeah right Jason.
I was looking forward to going too. I really dont mind munching a healthy brekky (none of that maccas stuff), whilst overlooking multi million dollar cruisers in a marina.
Then there are the nubile suntanned beauties wandering about exposing all manner of their bits to the sun.
Now..where can ya find that in Melbourne heh?.. Visit the casino??..Nuh..the river flows upside... and most of the ladies there are so wrapped up to survive the cold and wet, you cant make out if they are really female or just pretend female .
Craig, It's a pity Scott didnt get some mileage out of your car but then I guess he was just playing kewl, knowing that most cobra owners would know he did a lot of the work.
The man is certainly talented and whats more, an honest operator..rare to find that in one package.
I gotta go back to bed...sick as a dog I am. I suspect that Melbourne mob deliberately infected me with some derivitive of the SARS virus.
You all take care