Hi Guys,
I already got my A&C rolling chassis and my 351W block should be back from the machine shop today. The rest of the kit (body, interior, etc,) scheduled to be delivered in two weeks.
Everyone I have spoken with about the A&C Kits all agree, they're well made. As far as paint, you're right no metallic if you go Gelcoat. However, what a lot of guys do is get the gelcoat, wetsand off the gelcoat bonding agents, paint on the stripes and then clearcoat it. This will add durability and depth to the gelcoat finish.
Also, Poling is correct, this is a great site. Since I joined in a few months ago, I have found everyone to be so helpful.
From what I read above, it looks like there are three of us basically on the same build schedule. You guys are always welcome to call on me with any of your questions.
There are also a few pretty knowledgable A&C owners in here. Roscoe, CaseyT, JPoling, and Mike Lopez. If you a get a chance check out their pics. Mike Lopez has a sweet Orange Cobra that is gelcoated with the clearcoat. It looks real nice and it convinced me that that is the way I am going.