Originally posted by captain
I think you are letting your emotions run away with your common sense. The FF5 chassis doesn't compare to the Superformance. If the exceptional builder throws away the FF5 chassis then all he has left is the donor car and the bill of sale. Just ask Outlaw [a FF5 dealer] how he modified his FF5 to make it safer and better. Also his asking price of $60,000.
I'm sorry, how did you read emotions into my post?
You are right, the FFR chassis doesn't compare to the Superformance. If you notice, FFR has had a spec racer platform for some time now. If you want to track, you can use this platform. But the benefit is that many of the developements in the spec racer chassis have carried over the the street MK II chassis, making it far better than original. For example look at the center section transmission tunnel that stiffens up the frame even more. The chassis is rigid enough that the body doesn't need to be a structural part. And for older FFR owners, they can upgrade their cars. Although for most, they wouldn't consider it worthwhile because their cars perform well as-is.
The Superformace is a ladder frame design. It doesn't matter that it is not like the original Cobras. It doesn't matter how expensive it is to build. It doesn't matter what fancy words are used to describe it. It is still a ladder frame.
Either chassis is 100% fine for 99% of everyone's driving. I can't believe you would say that the "exceptional builder" would throw away the FFR chassis. It is just not true and there is no way you can factually defend it. Every builder, the more cars he builds, does some modifications that enhance his product. That is why people tend to choose his product over others.
I did a search for "Outlaw" to try to see what you were talking about and could not find anything. I am sure he didn't do $30,000 worth of frame modifications. However, let me reference you to Levy Racing, who, among other things, has built over 70 Cobras. Their credentials are well known. If you haven't heard of them, here is their ad from Grassroots Motorsports: (without their permission)
I spent a long time researching first hand different manufacturers before making my choice. FFR was my choice. Mainly because the builder can decide just what he wants. I wanted to do a car my way. Very specific and price was not a consideration.
You need to do some honest research before you slam other vendors with second hand opinions. You don't want to give Superformance enthusiasts a bad name, do you?