Originally posted by captain Superformance does NOT use a ladder construction like the original Cobras. It is a modern, highly contoured box beam design, expensive to build. A ladder is the least expensive.
It is still a ladder frame, no matter how you describe it. That doesn't make it bad. Most replicas are built with ladder type frames.
I also understand the need to defend what one owns if it attacked.... A good paint job doesn't make a good or safe Cobra.
But why do you feel the need to attack? And shouldn't you back up you attacks with some facts? Do you really feel that FFR Cobras are unsafe?
There are differences in all Cobras and the price reflects what you get. Nantucket is currently shopping for a cobra and has asked for opinions. I offer mine. He can throw it out after considering it. Superformance gets $20,000 more for their product. There is a good reason for it. FF5 is selling price. Satisfactory for what they give their customer but do not think they are comparable products just as a Miata doesn't compare to the Porsche.
Finally, with price reflects what you get, we come close to agreeing. But not how you would think.
With the FFR, you are buying a kit. With Superformance, you are buying a roller--it is not price comparable, it is apples to oranges. If you buy a roller from a decent FFR builder, pricing is the same. What you get is the same except that the FFR is customized to your exact desires. If you want to build your dream car youself, the way you want, you buy the kit. It can be donor built or not.
Now, what you have really left out, irregardless of FFR or any other manufacturers, is the real reasons to buy a Superformance:
1. Consistant build quality and design.
2. Known standard components
3. Resale
4. Established dealer outlets
5. Good customer support
6. Finantially solid manufacturer
I'm sure you can add more to this list without bashing other vendors. My buddy is thinking of getting a Cobra. I am actually going to suggest a Superformance to him for the above reasons.