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Old 07-19-2003, 01:57 PM
weekendwarrior weekendwarrior is offline
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Originally posted by RICK LAKE

My two cents First I don't know Terry. I am sure that he was a good cop with a poor thinking about trying to save some money. If he had said the car was valved at 35,000.00 there would be no problem. He got caught. I don't believe that he was fired over this. The PBA Union would not let this happen for this peddy crime. There is a larger story than is being told. 2nd To all the people that live in Cali. I have seen pictures of it and it's beautiful. My uncle lives there. You are not forced to stay there and pay overpricing on homes,gas,food,cars, and other services. It must be nice too be rich. I'm not. So quit crying about it. Your state is bankrupted because of lousy leadership and the fact that the borders to this country are wide open. You let women in that are ready to deliver babys because we have better hospital and these babys are American citizens. There is something wrong with this. I know all parents want the best for there babys and kids but this is still not right. How many of you have lawn services? Mexicans are doing 70-80% of these jobs. Your too Lazy to cut your own lawns BUT will work out for 2 hours lifting wieghts in the gym. 98% of the Police are a credit to there professions, they risk there lives to protect and serve, sometimes a wish they would serve someone else with that ticket, but it's there job. Some cops forget it's a job. 9/11 has past 2 years and peoples remains are still being buried. Alot of brave Police and firemen lost there lives to save others. There all HEROES. Finially This problem is all about MONEY,and CALI and other states want there piece of it, pure and simple. You play, you pay. It's sad that they go after a tax payer for 1,000.00 dollars and larger companys that owe millions just slide on by. Rick Lake ps it's still the greatest country.

Well Mr. Lake that was a very interesting dissertation on California.

As an 8th generation, married to a 10th generation Californian (Spanish, Blue eyes, Blond Hair); that’s before the carpet baggers from Washington DC blockaded the ports of Los Angeles and San Francisco and made us an offer we could not refuse.

The problem with California is that in the last 150 years the 13 colonies have sent us all your carpet bagging, neo socialist rejects and they have run the place into the ground.
We would gladly send them back to you. It is interesting how all your commie pick’os gravitate to our mild climate.

My ancestors left Ireland and settled originally in Mexico, why, freedom of religion, it was not totally available on your left coast.

In California we ran Cattle, planted Vineyards and Orchards. Only 1800 families lived in Los Angeles, and since Southern California is coastal desert, the population was all centered on the Los Angeles River because it was the only source of water.

California has been killed by your rejects, not by us, get your facts straight. Oh yes, your Washington DC carpet baggers allow the porous border with Mexico. California has been killed by the worst the United States has to offer. Please take them back.

Our lands have been federalized; Washington DC owns more of our land than is in private ownership. The National Parks Service, Nature Conspiracy and other socialist groups all come from Washington DC. We are have been annexed as Washington DC West, most has come about since the end of WWII. One of your carpet baggers, FDR, directly responsible for the over centralization of federal power during the War, trampling States Rights.

In case your hadn’t noticed the only true Americans live in Middle American both coasts are infected with people who would like the United States to fail.

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