Hi Guys and Girls
Know a certain bloke who scanned his head onto Arnold the Terminators body and then cut/posted this.
As they say post some pictures. But be careful we know you girls.
Then again if you want to increase the usage of the site. Scan Penthouse and cut/paste yourself in.
Did Jason and Garrett say thats not necessary??
you are great as you are!!!
Thanks for the advice on the heater. I spoke with Ray Aldrick at TCR and he is sending me details. Also found what appears to be a good item in a Street Rod magazine.
Stand with everyone else reading everything at the Newsagents. Don't buy anything though.
Must go and do some work. Great edition of Snaketails Jason and thanks for your kind words. They tell me you are nice to everyone at first and then when you know them!!
Weekend at Bernie's would be ideal in say November or February.
Talk soon must go