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Old 07-22-2003, 04:47 PM
cobrashoch cobrashoch is offline
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Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A., IN
Cobra Make, Engine: Home built, supercharged 544cu/in automatic
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King Cobra- I have ran a Locker for years and around these parts they have had a very unwarranted black eye. To the chase, and in a word you have options. The locker you most likely remember from the 60's was a Auburn Detroit Locker that was used in Ford muscle cars of old. It is indstructable in a cobra, and the weight of the car makes no differance. They are noisy though, and ratchet(click,click) around turns. If you road race them they tend to grab hard coming out of a turn so you need to be aware of that. If you use the Ford verson of a posi rear (traction-lock) the chances are you will have problems with the clutches every 2 or 3 years or so, but on the other side of that, clutches are relatively cheap to replace. HI Ernie!
So much for the old stuff, todays lockers are much better, and for a Cobra the winner of the MANY types of differentals out there seems to be a true-trac (sp). I believe it has a 80/20 aspect ratio with adjustable full lock. Ed Combs aka Double Venom was the first to talk of this locker on this forum, so a site search will give you much information. All lockers are not the same and a off road magizine will show you lots of other options in the adds. Don't forget to buy performance axles for safety, and if you order a rear end a 31 spline axle is the mininum, a 35 spline is better.. As for me, I can't tear up my Auburn locker and have been VERY happy with it. And believe me, boy have I tried. 1250 drag slicks anyone?
Ron Shockley

Last edited by cobrashoch; 07-22-2003 at 09:17 PM..
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