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Austin MIAs?
The following is the Austin MIA (Missing In Action) list of Cobra owners or members we haven't seen or heard from in a long time. We who are still active in the TCC (Austin Chapter) would like to hear from you. The MIA list is as follows:
Barry B
George P
Jeff B
Jeff R
Joe Z
John C (Playing too much Golf in Lakeway)
John W (Greetings John, glad your comming to our next meet)
Kyle R (KRob logs in, but does not respond)
Lewis M
Rich L (Traded Cobra for a Vette)
Richard O
Roger B
Scott L (Vacationing up North)
Shawn K
Stretch W
Terry T
Texas Cobra Club 2004 VP
Last edited by Ed Csoltko; 08-10-2003 at 06:45 PM..