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Old 07-25-2003, 07:16 PM
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John, that is so awesome. It's your turn fella--congratulations!

You, Jay and I WILL talk

Now lets talk shop--hang the compressor over head on a special built loft. Saves a lot of floor space. In one of our new buildings it will be built over head, right next to the lift for easy servicing!

Build your work table(s) with the lower legs attached to the wall at the floor, then angle them up and out to the width of your table. Plenty of strength and now you can sweep up easy. Of course you can't hide all that junk anymore, but that's the point.

3/4" airlines through out the building with at least one "drop" to the out side by the main drive.

If you can afford it, get rid of the flurescent lights, especially for the ceiling! Use the new halites (?). Cost a lot more initially, but four in your size buidling will make it daylight 24 hours a day. They also work great on those cold Michigan nights! And, they use about 1/3 the juice that large flourescents use!

Now stay in touch and send pictures!

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