Dear Cobra friends - woke up early Sunday morning with a pretty good mental state and somehow feeling the need to write you and share some feelings and clarify my current condition
my long-term future is still a very big mystery right now. Due to my level of cancer, it may be 60-90 days with a lot medical treatment and prayer to determine my future. My doctor support is very good and my willingness to fight this is strong I still cherish my my friendship with you guys and be a part of TCC all being said is totally in Gods hands. Thanks so much to John Russell for being such a friend and communicator of my status - you have really kept me cheered up.
Basically, I apparently had a growing aggressive malignant brain tumor for a while buy it never really affected my life. I guess it all really started when I flew to Denver on June 6th for a family wedding for my 24 yr old niece. Wonderful, relaxful family time and a great break from the hectic BoA workload. When I returned to work on Morning my mind was just not working right 90% of everything was ok, but little easy memory things were not there could not remember enough to get by, Finally found the code somewhere. I figured just few wedding beers glasses were affecting the old man. The rest of the week was still a little frustrating, but ok. Next week same deal. I really could not see having it really checked out as my wife of 30 years - Barbara had been diagnosed with needing left hip replacement surgery my mental and memory situation was a little frustrating, but manageable and I thought improving.
On Sunday, June 26th, Barb and I went to church visited her dad at the nursing home & ran a couple of shopping errands and got home around 4 tired and with a mild headache. I decided to take a nap and to my utter surprise I woke up a 7 a total shock to me and a mild headache. The next morning felt pretty rotten with the progressing headache and called in sick and went back to sleep. Woke up around noon feeling a little better and remembered a staffing that Laura assigned to me on Friday new it would take me 30 minutes at the office or 3 hours to explain the assignment to a couple of others so I came on in and was able to operate until around 6:00. Even with my mild headache the next 3 days were about 80 percent performance and mental capacity as apparently my existing/growing brain tumors were elevating pressure.
Everything feel apart on Friday headache that morning finally got me to work about 9:30 and only able to focus on the easy stuff. Within 30 minutes, I was in the bathroom throwing up returned to my office with temperature and cold sweats unable to really read/comprehend my e-mails one was on 5 words. My mind/body finally stabilized turned off the system told my boss that I was heading home. Probably stupid to drive the Jeep home in my condition, but I did not really know the seriousness. I immediately crashed at home threw up again plus two more times before bed time no idea as to the seriousness of nest few days. Barb and I went to Medical City the next morning feeling pretty groggy and confused. After about 8 hours and necessary tests, the doctor was able to meet with Barb and my older son Matt and explain that I had a brain tumor that was causing all the issues. The heavy medicine/drugs were started to stabilize my brain tissues and prepare for surgery.
The shrinking drugs worked as best they could and surgery started on July 3rd in the late afternoon around 3. I know that several of you actually came to the hospital to pray and give support to my family and I am really appreciative for your prayers and support. By 7:30, I believe the surgery was finished and rolled to post surgery. My wife and two grown boys kissed me on the table as I was wheeled back to recovery. The tumor removal could only partial or cause other mental complications so radiation and chemo are still part of my future.
I received some very special cards and encouragement from the club and I really wanted to thank you you dont know how much it meant to me. Russell has been a champ Tom, Boudy and his little family, Matt, and others.
Other than some earl double vision in my left eye (now clear) my post surgery physical condition was pretty amazing watched all the 4th of July parades stuff and had good visits with my family. By Tuesday noon, it was concluded that I was ready to go home and recuperate until my radiation/chemo started in 3 weeks. Within 36 hours, extreme fever some possible medication bad tolerance, I was back I in the hospital Wednesday night with complications and the need for more testing and drugs. Finally stabilized after another week and released again on the 19th and feeling better everyday.
The overall bad news is that my nature of my cancer is pretty aggressive and nasty and my long term recovery and success is a big unknown at this time. It may take 3-4 months of regular medical attention to really know my future. Unsure if my recovery is weeks or months or if I ever have the ability to return to the ranks of a racecar driver my sons age getting better. They have really stepped up and the whole ordeal has been a growth for our family. I dont know have people survived something like this without loving families. It means a great deal to me and my family you are a very special group caring group with knowledge that God is in control of our lives and although we do not understand the actions that affect our lives God has a grand scheme that is wise and divine.
Once again thanks for your care, prayers, cards and love. Thanks also to the Weavers for their kind card I received. Between John and I we will try to keep you updated as to my status.
If I continue to progress in the short term with no complications it is my intent to defend my car show victory at my church from last year August 27th, - Northwest Bible Church. Free steak dinner from our church scout troop. Dinner for car owners My Unique was show winner and always looking to battle you guys for my superiority. Here is the web site if anyone is interested in challenging my car building ability love to see some of you guys and have you view that the SilverCobra is car to beat.
Love you guys and the support and prayers provided for me an my family. Could be an interestin rest of the year for the Flesher family.