Great pictures - never realized I was so handsome
Sunburn - I am not so handsome now - left arm burned to within two inches of my shoulder - right arm burned to about an inch above my elbow - I am somewhat strange looking now
I love the image of a pack of snarling Cobras being lead by a scooter and followed by a relic.
A relic with a SMALL block
and a roof to boot.
My car performed better than expected with so few miles on it and I experienced only a few small problems, it got a bit hot in that first line of traffic (230) and in my haste to get on the road I failed to tighten the hood bolts. Lost both bolts in the last few miles of the 170 mile trip. I also realize I need to take the 5000 rpm chip out and install the 7000 chip.
Andrea had so much fun she went out and bought a really cool collaspable cooler that we will velcro to the hump. She wants to do this again soon. Her suggestions are: leave earlier, travel more twisties with less traffic, pick a shady destination with a lake, have a picnic on the ground and last but most important . LET HER DRIVE
at least one way.
The hat worked great all day only to fly off within a mile of the house while going about 35 mph. I will install a strap this week.
Thanks guys and gals we had a ball.