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What tweaks me the most is that I spent the money, created the auction page, got the people interested in my Cobra, then had dear Eric come along and try to steal those buyers away from my auction. In a free market society, Eric could have spent his own money and placed his car up on Ebay. Whether it was less expensive or not is irrelevant, what he did was against the user terms of Ebay, and against the moral terms of the rest of those around here who get it. Kind of like if you were in your own home and had a group of people in to buy some of your belongings, but I barged in to your home and told everyone that I had the same stuff across the street only at a lesser price...................Not quite the same is it...............Discussing a price is one thing, stealing registered bidders away from an ongoing auction (aka: a business deal) is not. To do so means that your willing to stab people in the back to get your way. It means that your never to be trusted again. Get the idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Think about it carefully.....Eric had to register on Ebay first, thereby accepting their rules and regulations, yet when it came time for him to follow those same rules and regulations, he showed that he did not give a damn about anyone but himself.
Bill S.
Instead of being part of the problem, be part of a successful solution.
First time Cobra buyers-READ THIS