Wouldn't want to spend a week or two in beautiful downtown London, Ohio would you?
Then at least another week in Pentwater, Michigan?
Dave, I put in gas radiant heaters years ago in the "old" shop. Awesome, simply awesome. I know, without fail that they literally paid for themselves by the second heating season. Other than having to clean out a few small itty-bitty cobwebs in the dashpots once in a while and replacing one ignitor, (which I broke going after one of those "itty-biddy" spiders) they have been absolutely trouble free.
"VANTAGE" heaters are what we picked, and the last time, because of a "sale" we bought "Dayton" from Graingers. Hang them at least 13 inches from the ceiling, and make damned sure you don't put your lift directly under one of the tubes and raise a car up within four or five feet of it!
What else is nice is that one tube with "U", or 90' bends can be run close to a 100'. Exhaust is extremely simple and it uses a simple dryer flex tube mounted where you want to draw in air. (We have the intakes mounted into our attic!)
As far as the lighting goes, fellow you need to get a "Grainger" catalog! I'll try and look up some part numbers for the lights today. They will have all the lights AND the radiant heaters you want and they will deliver to your door! the real question! It has been suggested to us, in the floor "hot water" or electric wires/cables for heating one of our new shops. I'm scared to death of maintenance or repair for that system. Have any thoughts on that suggestion?
Our building company also suggested "polcarbonate" skylights.
They guarantee they wont turn yellow, crack or spider web for 10 years. I do like my natural light. Seven small double hung windows and one good sized picture window going in too!
Way off the base here but I'm going with a commercial insulated "roll up" over head door. Talk about shooting a budget! 14Wx16H. But, no tracks/rails to take up any more valuable space!
DV...sometimes OT can be so much fun!