The following copy is a Letter to the Editor from Sports Car (SCCA magazine), from January, 1964 that I found at a second hand bookstore.
I provide it without editorial comment, but it just goes to show that these debates have been occuring for almost 40 years.
Plea for A.C.
The 1963 racing season saw the introduction of the most successful sports car since the Ace Bristol. The Cobra has completely conquered racing in this country, even to the point of winning over the best of the modified machinery.
With each victory goes a littly publicity and it is at this point that I become warm under the collar. For the car that wins is seldom an A.C. Cobra, powered by Ford; the victor is usually a "Shelby-Ford Cobra," or, God forbid, a "Ford Cobra."
I think we are all aware of Shelby's part in bringing this winning combination together, but I would like to see publicity given to A.C. for their part in creating a winner. The car is a winner for the same reason that the Ace Bristol is a supurb chassis. Ford has provided an exceptional engine; G.M. or Chrysler could have done the same had they chosen to spend the money. Shelby has been responsible for many detail improvements, not the least of which is the return to rack and pinion steering, but the car is still the same basic Ace chassis created by Tojeiro in 1953.
I, for one, would like to see credit given where due.
I don't know who "Randy" is/was (could have been an AC employee)

. I have attached a copy of this in my gallery.