hey guys, how were your week ends?
i went for a drive down to berry just before nowra on the south coast today(for the non locals), and once again my bloody car start to backfire out the exhaust
so i get out and remove the idle jets and yet again another bit of **** in one of the jets
do any of you guys have such problems with webers or know anybody who does?
i am seriously thinking about trying a 4 barrel because of the above problem
should i try an rpm air gap? vic jnr? funnel web?
i know an air gap only goes to 6500rpm,but with my current 44 idfs my engine runs out of puff at about 6300 give or take which i believe is due to the 44mm venturi......does anybody have an opinion on my thoughts?
will a 750/780 four barrel with a single plane such as vic jnr,funnel web(3500-7500rpm) give me more hp above my current 6300?