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I am still optimistic that everything will work out. While I have not heard from the dealer that I purchased the BDR from, I have been in touch with Reg. He understands the issues and has offered to help the dealer to quickly correct the problems, in fact today I told him a couple of the parts were more urgent and holding me up and some of the others could wait Reg offered to ship the parts directly to the house rather than via the dealer.
I think (hope) all of this will be cleared up in a couple of weeks and a few months from now I wont even remember it. I hope this is just a case of growing pains but I would agree with you 100%, the success of a company is customer service and of course a great product you cant be successful without both. Part of the reason that I purchased a Backdraft was the glowing chatter on the product and the company
I will post a list of the issues there are about a dozen and how they are resolved and how long it took to correct at the start of next week that would be the point where I have had the BDR for two weeks.
To anyone reading this and contemplating a Backdraft I would not take these comments as negative only as a status of the delivery of a product and the process of closing the final issues. The real test of good companies is how responsive they are to customers. If you were to ask me if i was to purchase again would it be the BDR and my answer would be yes - but i am assuming that everything will be closed in the next couple of weeks.