I almost posted the header in reference to Small Wheel vs Big Wheel, lol. Thought that might be to controversial.
One day in the "hair pin" corner I came in to hot, got a mean four wheel drift going at relatively low speed. I was counter steering and holding it nicley,,,,,and then it was time to turn the wheel the other way. It took ALL my strength to crank the wheel back into position enough to stay on the track and OFF the wall.
Ever since then I've been thinking about power steering, but am worried about any "delay" a PS unit might present. I needed to steer NOW, not .3 seconds from NOW!
Hence my mental quandry over a smaller wheel vs bigger wheel vs power steering vs quicker rack gearing. I am willing to give up some "street" comfort toward better track performance.
Not sure I could crank a small wheel under the "hair pin" conditions without arms like Popeye.