excaliber..i hope you would not buy a car because you THINK quality would be good vs SEEING one ? who builds these ? the SA company, ie CAV ? do they have the manufacturing infrastructure for quality volume production ? or the dealer / tech support group ? i would think not, certainly not proven yet . low volume production of gt 40s at what, 3-7 per month is one thing, then how do they handle 75 orders for the roadster ? ... then delivery timing is HOW LONG AWAY ? and did they really sell 75 ? hmmmm.....
oil here, as in snake
oil is my guess....and resale value of the older full price versions will bottom out quicker than they can produce the cars ! now , try to tell someone how your shelby 4000 is better than the sa/ cav shelby xxxx..hmmm...a whole lotta talking will be done on that thought, eh ? real, yea , original ..no...oh no, your xxxx is the SA version shelby and it is not as good as my 4000 usa shelby..hello hello...get out the popcorn, this is going to be a long one ! bill , real old spf, early version 1996 vintage, still taking a licking and keeps on ticking .