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75 sales during the weekend?
All because they are so cheap?
I doubt it seriously that there are 75 new customers world wide for Cobras during ANY weekend. Shelby and others combined.
To think that these are all new comers with no trade ins. First time buyers if you will....
I doubt it. I seriously doubt it.
If those numbers were true that would equal to Shelby's current annual sales.. Assuming these 75 people have roughy 30-40 trade-ins THEMSELVES (most likely other makes of Cobras) they would have to sell their cars to buy a new Shelby Cobra.
What do you think they are planning on doing with THEIR cobras. Who will they sell theirs to , for how much?
We all know how long it takes to sell a Cobra in this market.
Also assuming the new customers would be trading in their
ERAs,SPF's, FFR, Kirkhams to buy a CAV/Shelby what do you think they will bring on EBAY.
Sometimes we panic too soon and hope for the worst.
I am an optimist on this one.
My guess is the market will absorb the new comer just fine without turning it upside down.
Other manufacturers may pay a little price because of the new entry.
ERA will have 11 months of wait instead of 13, FFR may be able catch up with back orders, SPF may concentrate on the Coupe and make up for the lost revenue.
They'll be just fine.
Even the Road Serpents may make a come back.
Just relax and breath deeply.
OBAMA IN in 2012