Best Cobra kit?
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08-24-2003, 09:23 AM
Senior Club Cobra Member
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Shasta Lake, CA
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First off welcome to the club. Now for the question. I don't think there is any definitive answer as to which is best. Shelby and Kirkham would have to be at the top, but more from a name standpoint than that the cars are so far superior. If you can get to a local club and look at and ride in several different makes that would be your best way. And finally, after sorting through the maze of stuff in prior posts it comes down to what do you like and feel good with. This is kind of like the big block small block debate ( Turk feel free to enter here )
or the big steering wheel versus small steering wheel. ( Ernie your time )
You will find out more than you probably ever can digest as there are many really knowledgeable people on this club and they all have great ideas. Unfortunately you can't incorporate all the great ideas into one car. Gads, what a car that would be. 1,200 horsepower, every thing known to man kind that can be put on a car, & etc.
Ron 61
Ronnie Widener
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Last edited by Ron61; 08-24-2003 at
10:13 AM
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