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Old 08-24-2003, 07:02 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: New Jersey, N.J
Cobra Make, Engine: Shelby Cobra CSX4206 aluminum body, original 1965 NASCAR 427 SO, Dual quads.
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Ron: I think I have good taste also. Funny that two guys with such good taste can differ over the GT500E. I think its pretty cool at a modifed muscle car.

Does it belong in the registry? I'm sure it will be in its own special category. Does it dilute the Registry? Things change and evolve with time. Who would have ever thought there would have been such a retro craze. Everything from the PT Cruiser to the new Ford GT. Point is while the new GT500E is not a Shelby product per se it is endorsed by Shelby. As a Shelby endorsed product, and as we now have new Shelby products and the re=emergence of SAI heretofore never expected to reappear even 10 years ago maybe the recognition rules need to change somewhat.

In short, I have no problem with SAAC making new accomodations for new Shelby products or even certain products officially endorsed by Shelby in the Registry. After all while the original purpose of the Registry was to document Shelby Cobras it must also be flexible enough to change with the "times". In short in light of the re-emergence of SAI and Shelby's activity in the auto industry the Registry should keep track of these automobiles because one day they to will be part of the Shelby storey and history.

While I think the GT500E is priced too high I would love to have one.

SVOBud: I echo Turk's comments. Not much more I can add except to say your posts make you out to be very bitter and hateful towards CS and SAI by extension. Why? Was it the lawsuit? How did that impact you personally? My guess it had nothing to do with you personally. I need not get into the details of the litigation except to say that, if he was going to launch litigation he did so about 15 years too late. Otherwise the result might have been much different. But thats another debate.

Your comments indicating someone should have died years ago is offensive and out of line and I hope you realize it. We are dealing with a hobby, at the center of which is a car. Nothing more important than that. Hobbies are supposed to be fun and bring people who have a common interest together to exchange discorse and ideas about the hobby. Nothing about this hobby is so serious, at least to me that I would make comments such as you did about another person.

I don't worship CS contrary to many statements made here. I have always tried to be fair and objective and taken people to task when they have attacked the man asking for the proof to back up the statements. Very rarely has proof been offered.

While many think some of CS business ventures have been objectionable such as with the "completion" series Cobras and the FFR/SPF litigation, he has also been involved with many more successful ventures in his past and present.

And while you seem to "imply" that the Cobra snobs you have met have all been CSX owners (if I'm reading it right) and that "you have never met" a FFR Cobra snob I'm not sure of your definition of snob. Is it an owner who refers to his CSX Continuation Cobra as a REAL Cobra a snob? Is that your definition? If so, consider me and many other CSX owners a snob despite the fact that every CSX owner I know are friendly and great guys. Also forget the fact that many including myself have traveled hundreds of miles, including SAI to support the DVSF which was to raise money for Jenny, one of the Smith Bros. children.

Or is your definition of a Cobra snob someone who knocks anothers automobile? If thats your definition there are plenty of FFR snobs, especially in their vitriolic attitudes and statements towards SAI and the CSX Cobra.
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Last edited by REAL 1; 08-24-2003 at 07:24 PM..