Don't despaire. This is going to turn out to be something that everyone will be surprised by. I wish I could tell you more but I am by no stretch of iminigation an engine expert. This could have happened no matter who built the engine as none of us are perfect. I know the feeling of complete disgust, turning to despair and then the why me syndrome. Been there done that. Twice so far and if I live long enough most likely another time at least. George Anderson and DV and Don will get you all straightened out. And who else around this side of the country has a romping 427 that has been so taken care of. Not a lot of people just drive theirs in 15 minutes blasts.
Just a little humor to try and lighten the frustration. I know you have worked long and hard and it has to be about to drive you nuts. But hang in there until the heavy guns get a chance to look into it. They will have it straightened out in no time I am sure. Keep us posted as this nis something that a lot of guys may need to know in the future.