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Man are we good at making a big deal about nothing or what? Does a day go by here on CC that we don't take someone's comment and try to twist it around into something sinister?
So Mike loves his SPF. BIG DEAL! So Mike loves his SPF so much that he started his own newsletter for other SPF owners in an effort to create a bond amongst other enthusiasts. BIG DEAL! So Mike loves his car so much that he expressed a controversial opinion bringing focus to what HE loves so much about his car and its manufacturer. BIG DEAL! So he fails to get sucked into the CC abyss and respond to those who question his motives. BIG DEAL! He really owes no one an explanation or a response. He said what he said and apparantly stands by it. After all everyone gets to have an opinion and he shared his. Don't like it? BIG DEAL!
I will say this. Whatever his motives might be (I choose not to speculate) I can tell you that Mike is not now, nor has he ever been associated with Superformance or Hi Tech Industries in anyway whatsoever (other than he is a happy and loyal paying customer just like me and almost 2000 other guys). He is not associated with SCOF other than a member just like he is here on CC and SCOF is also not associated with Superformance or Hi Tech in any way.
So say what you will about Mike. I find him to be a very bright engineer, fellow car nut and loyal SPF owner --- and also opinionated. Oh, I almost forgot --- he has a smallblock. So, lets kill him. LOL
Uncle Fester - Yes I REALLY did say that