It's only a little over eight months til the next DVSF IV. It's
been kinda quiet on the Ohio front about the new dates or even if there will be a DVSF IV. I know poor ED has a business to
run too but we gotta get the ball rolling early so we can sell more
raffle tickets, that is if someone donates a prize.
I got every pennies worth from the money I spent at the Fling.
I say that there should be discusion on some kind of Monatary
reward for all the work that ED and his family puts in. Let's face it guys, he probably loses money from taking time away from his shop. I think some kind of incentive to carry on would be nice.
Turk, what say you about an effort to raise money to off set the time that ED puts in for CF and the Fling?
I'm just trying to figur out the best way to keep a good thing going. I would sure hate for this to stop on account of burn out to Ed because of the work load. Anybody else have any ideas?