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Not to mention the eagerly awaited legal battle with Hormel. Apparently, Shelby has accused them of stealing the name 'chili' from him and has vowed to "put them bean stealin' city boys in the poorhouse."
Shelby has initiated plans to manufacture his own 'Authentic Shelby Chili' in an abandoned Hungarian goulash factory with each can sporting it's own CSX stamp of authenticity.
Shelby was impressed with the precision and attention to detail the Hungarian can makers put into their product. "Heck, all I needed to do was show them boys how to dump some beans and chili powder in that goulash, and we was in business," he said. "Lord willin' we'll have every chili cookin' thief in the country, including the homemade variety, buyin' my chili or having an old fashioned cookoff in court."
Last edited by Durt; 09-06-2003 at 01:00 PM..