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Old 09-11-2003, 05:51 PM
Fred Douglass Fred Douglass is offline
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Default Mr. SSS

....then what I've been hearing and reading about the precepts of Wahhabist teachings, and what I have heard from two Sunni Arabs (one Kuwaiti and one Saudi) is all false? Seems what these fellows are saying is that this particular fundamentalist sect wishes, and actively SEEKS, the demise of Christianity and Judaism (and no doubt other "infidel" faiths).

If you are a Wahhabist, please correct the "facts" they related to me. Neither is a Wahhabist, and both say that it is among the least tolerant and most bloody-minded of the Muslim sects.
I will say that I think ALL religions have blood on their hands. I think also that their had their uses (and abuses) historically---but they more than met their match when science modernized. I am sorry if I raised your hackles, SSS, but I am not alone among Americans who really think "fundamentalist" religions ought to stick to themselves, proselytze only the willing and receptive and leave the rest of us alone. I for one think the damage they do FAR outweighs the good. Christianity with the abortion-Puritanism, Judaism with Zionist expansionism, Hinduism with the murder of young widows, and any other religion which displays intolerance, or worse, vicious, murderous ill-will----to me this stuff belongs in the Dark Ages.

Fie on all intrusive religions. And super-fie on the MURDEROUS ones. Your serve.
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