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Old 09-14-2003, 06:30 AM
Fred Douglass Fred Douglass is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: P. O. Box 96, CATAUMET, Massachusetts 02, MA
Cobra Make, Engine: Butler with home-rebuilt 393 Cleveland stroker(Ya---ikes!)
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Thumbs up Roy! Things may be looking up, re the Butler Calendar! I haven't learned how to paste/post/yodel or juggle (only two are on my Wish List) Duane pointed out we have ANOTHER good photographer----Alan "Photoguy"---I don't know how close you, Mike and Alan are to each other but it's gotta be cozier than the commute to Cape Cod!

And-----to Alan---I was probably deficient in returning your calls last Spring---if, indeed, that was you. Sorry...been kinda busy. What do you think of a Arntz/Butler calendar idea? No rush (my car's in and out of the shop, fitting new mirror mounts, rool-bars, rebuilt engine, etc.---but you seem to be a natural for a calendar photoguy. We've already got January set!

I am also interested in fitting the widest wheels/tires to my Butler--(see other thread, this site). It would be good to hear from you---this time I'll try to be better on telephone drill, if you want to call me.....or e-mail me direct.
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