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Doug... That should be '94...
...and you're right...Excalibur was given an exemption however I understand it was for front/rear and side impact tests requiring the shoulder restraints.
They were given the exemption because they built less than 50 cars per year.
It was the required crashing of 3 cars that inevitably forced the production to stop.
NOTE: It was later learned that DOT was responsible to pay for the vehicles that were to be tested. Of course, Ford, GM and Chrysler could afford donating cars whereas Excalibur could/would not.
Also: Excalibur Cobras were marketed and sold as EPA compliant and therefore had to pass the emission test...and that's why they have that goofy exhaust system!
Doug...stop over this weekend if you have time!
Last edited by ohekk; 09-18-2003 at 10:55 AM..