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First, I know what the search button is and I couldn't find the thread that stated why there is such a pompous attitude here. I never made any statement about me thinking the SPF car was the best. It's what I wanted. I build rods and didn't feel like assembling a whole car with the number of cars currently in the shop. I like Deuces and don't care that the new Dearborn deuce cars we're getting aren't made by Henry.Secondly, I did check out the different mfg.'s prior to purchasing and chose what I did for several reasons. Thirdly,when I attend the Hot Rod trade shows the Shelby contigent is there and I have their info for the NV car (which I chose not to buy, for reasons other than Shelby) and the SA car came after I made the SPF order. They made the announcement on this forum and I didn't see a list of the standard features that every other manufacturer I've checked into gave WITHOUT having to call the them, that's what their websites were for, I thought. If they were listed maybe I didn't see it because of all the cross attacks that were going on. Much like this thread. Right now, I would never buy a Shelby, because quite frankly I don't think I could achieve the kind of arrogance that seems to be neccesary. I buy/build cars to drive, not as speculation pieces, if you don't drive them they are large awkward pieces of art. I will enjoy my SPF or Unique (there casaleenie) or what ever as much as a "Shelby" anything. The majority of the posts except for the initial one from Tom T about XK have all been basically attacks of one kind or another,yet noone either knows or would share the standard equipment.Which, if you will read, is what I was asking. But that's the way I came onto the board, in the Nascar 427 thread the poster claimed he knew how to identify a Nascar 427 because he owned a Classic. Now I have nothing against Classic cars, but anyone with even a little familiarity with the Cobra lines knows they are not "accurate", and all I said is that the Classic shouldn't be used as a yard stick (meaning for accuracy) and man all hell broke loose, you'd have thought I shot the Pope. I guess it's this type of thread that seems to get people upset when they complain about the forum in different publications. And to think, I thought that some of the people on the Hot Rod sites had bad attitudes.