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Excaliber- my point exactly. Roll over switches are usially the first thing to go when going aftermarket.
Jamo- I think you have confused what I meant about racers and pumps , either that or I wrote it poorly. Of course they are the way to go when racing, its just that not all aftermarket pumps are equal. For example the Mallary series 140 that I just took out of my car required its own matching regulator and would not produce enough pressure to get past even 7 lbs of boost of my supercharger. In addition it was only a "fair" self primer that required a recycle line that went back to the top of the cell to hold prime. I played and played but I finally gave up on it. Thats what I was talking about. I will have to think about impact switches for a while though, as to do they have any merrit? Can't think of any obvious advantages right now, that would be offset by the costs? Fire suppression is another subject though. If I was to move it or add to it, I would think about aiming it at the driver. To hell with the car, its about coming home safe after you smack one up.
Ron Shockley
Last edited by cobrashoch; 09-21-2003 at 06:19 PM..