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Some items:
Tragic death. But I am not surprised in a Cobra. Safety has come a long way in fourty years.
Cobra seats, horrible from a safety standpoint.
A wind screen that I can destroy with my bare hands just waiting to cut loose. Four little screws.
Five point harness, great if mounted correctly. Other wise it can and will contribute to injury. They DO stretch. More than you might think.
The seats and or the belt could have very well CAUSED the spinal injuries.
Roll bars, watch some of the crash tests, you would be amazed at how far a body will move, even with proper seats and belts. Head injuries.
A general thress hold for neck injury is about 40 G's or only a 50 MPH head on (high back seats and airbags, hello!).
These cars are four wheel motorcylces, some ways maybe even worse. Driving one is a risk that is elevated beyond your Windstar. Racing one is far more risky than a modern race car.
Lets be careful out there!