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Did you substantiate the possibility that the Cobra was flawed and the operator, etc.?
I did not contribute any negative observations as to the drivability of the Cobra. The lawyers were armed with a report on the deceadents blood alchohal level and tox screen. It wasn't good.
I did not wish to stir things up, as a death was envolved in this incedent and that will never be forgotten, as well it shouldn't. There are many who are still quite stirred over this tragic event. Prosecuters are out for convictions. If the serviving driver is convicted of crime/s that may very well open up a nasty can of worms for any who were envolved in the high performance alterations of his "street licensed" car, for financial gain. As the owner of an automobile repair facility, I have concerns about what may come about from the legal aftermath of this incedent.
Racing is dangerous, even with the best of safeties in place. I am ademently opposed to street racing, with good reason, as I servived one very nasty incedent envolving being upside down with raw fuel everywhere, and no one to render aid. I got lucky. I don't do high performance mods on street licensed autos, as I feel that contributing to such a life threatening, illegal exebition of speed should be criminal.
Frantic Frank
PS: Dance to the music, pay the fiddler.