10-01-2003, 04:45 PM
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Join Date: Jun 1999
Location: Woodinville,
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Pressure Gages
The gage that comes intalled on the Accusmp is of very low quality, and way too high of a pressure range to accurately determine the state of charge on the accumulator. I changed the gage to a 0 -125 psi liquid filled 2.5" gage with max pressure indicator needle.
1. What is the pressure showing in the accumulator prior to opening the solenoid (assuming it was pre charged)?
2. When you open your solenoid valve to pre-oil, can you watch the Accusump gage pressure? Does it decay?
3. Have you checked the 12V source for your valve? Is it switched?
4. Is your oil pressure gage in the dash electronic? (Mine is hydraulic so I can watch system pressure build to about 35psi without the key on... decays to about 15psi before starting).
5. Where is your oil pressure pickup located?
6. Does the sandwich adapter have a check valve to prevent backwashing the filter? (I plumbed in the Accusmump using the remote oil filter adapter... which has a built in check valve.)
1. Even if the solenoid valve is off (normally closed W/O power) oil will bleed into the Accumsump. It cannot bleed out however unless opened.
2. Leave the valve open for about 60 -120 seconds after start... and always remeber to shut it off if your use is pre-oiling... lest you'll have 8 quarts of oil in your pan at the next cold start and no pre-oiling.
3. Check your plumbing methodolgy closely to assure you are not dead-heading the Accusump. Schematic:
4. At hot idle at say 30psi oil pressure, you should be able to open the valve and see an immediate increase in oil pressure until the accumulator equalizes (my base charge is usually about 75 psi).
5. Make sure that the sandwich adapter is totally matched to the ports on your block / filter.....
Hope some of this works.....
A shot of my 3 quart installation with thermostat:
Last edited by Zderf; 10-01-2003 at 04:51 PM..