If we were to view it as two neat cars instead of an either/or situation, I can say that the Winston Cup cars are a blast. I run a x-Bill Elliott car in HSCRA /HSR and it is the most fun thing I do. Steve, I did not know to come over and introduce myself at Road Atlanta, but that was really fun wasn't it ! I'm hooked.....
I'm lucky because I have both a Cobra and a Cup car, but there is really no comparison between the two. Completely different machines for different types of people. A better comparison would be the folks that race Porsches. I took my Winston Car to a Porsche club event at Road Atlanta, and they really liked it, much to my surprise. They are spending more money to go slower. If you ever have an opportunity to ride in a Cup car on a road race course, I think you will be amazed at the way you are pressed into your seat on acceleration, thrown into your belts during braking, and loose your fillings going around corners, plus it really sounds great and smells like race gas, hot
oil, and burning rubber.
Regarding bad checks, negative feedback, etc. we don't know what you guys are talking about, and if you don't want to explain it in detail, why mention it at all ?